la familia iskariote
Primera banda en el mundo que practico el Ska-Hardcore activismo, dinamita en iglesias entre canción y canción, no permanece unida la familia Iskariote. Aunque hablen últimamente de formar un ochote.
viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013
Registros policiales en Berlin en relación a ataques contra la policía y oficinas de trabajo
Desde las 6 de la mañana y hasta el mediodía del dia 14A, numerosas unidades de la policía -incluyendo un helicóptero, antidisturbios y el SEK (Spezialeinsatzkommando, semejante a los GEOS españoles) - han asaltado numerosos espacios vinculados a militantes libertarios y anticapitalistas en los barrios de Friedrichshain, Neukolln y Mitte.
Entre los espacios asaltados se encuentra el conocido centro social Rigaer94, donde la policía ha realizado un registro exhaustivo y ha obligado a una persona a proporcionar muestras de ADN. Según la prensa local, la policía habría encontrado cocteles molotov y material pirotécnico peligroso comprado en Polonia.
Los registros se enmarcan en la investigacion de una reciente manifestación ilegal en solidaridad con la revuelta en Estambul, durante la cual se lanzó un artefacto incendiario que hirió a un agente de la policía, y de varios ataques coordinados contra Jobcentres, órganos estatales - privados que gestionan la búsqueda de trabajo. Los cargos en relación al ataque contra la policía son de tentativa de asesinato.
Hoy (14A) se ha convocado para las 8 una manifestación de respuesta al barrio de Kreuzberg. Lxs convocadxs han anunciado su intención de no legalizar la marcha, por lo que se pueden prever situaciones de conflicto.
* Comunicado de prensa en ingles de la R94, junto con fotografías del asalto policial, aquí:
Press Release Rigaer 94
Today just after 6am several police units (13th unit of riot cops, technical units, LKA and the special forces unit) stormed our house and carried out a raid and enacted two searches under warrant. The cops used an angle grinder to break down our doors, all the rooms of the house were entered and all occupants were held for 6 hours. Astoundingly this time round they held themselves back from completely ransacking the house. One room was searched in relation to an act of solidarity with the uprisings in turkey (an attempted murder charge) and a further room was searched in relation to attacks against exploitation and wage slavery (a charge for arson of a jobcentre). One of the accused was forced to give his D.N.A.
The cops were sniffing about alot, on their own but also putting to work dogs trained to sniff out explosives and flammable materials. They also occupied our roof with a helicopter and special forces unit (SEK). At the same time as the raid on our house they were attacking and searching other projects, living groups and apartments of comrades. Around 12:30pm the cops disappeared from our house again, but not before repairing our doors with an astounding amount of effort (and not in the most clever or efficient of ways). Before they left our house they took a bunch of old rubbish from our attic along with the houses x-box (which we demand back) – perhaps they were trying to stop us from playing Grand Theft Auto en masse in real life night after night and destroying the city. Jokes aside, we are fucking pissed off, we hate you and you are not welcome! We see this as not just an attack on our projects, and not just because of our refusal of this whole rotten bag of shit of a system, but also as an attack on all autonomous, self managed and collective life as an antithesis to the alienation and isolation of capitalism.
At 8pm there will be a spontaneous demonstration from Spreewaldplatz through X-berg.
This demo will not be legalized!
We will be there 14.08.2013 you will remember! A.C.A.B!
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